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Prospective Owners and Realtors

Welcome to a great value in the Lakeland community.  

Due to recent Florida Legislative initiatives, new regulations for condos three stories or higher have significantly increased requirements for inspections and financial reserve funding. This puts our units in a "sweet spot" since we are only two stories high.  

Our Association strives to provide a safe, friendly community where property values are preserved and continue to improve.  We have an active volunteer base and strive to make improvements in cost-effective methods.  We are proud of our community and welcome a chance to tell you more about us. 

The positives or drawbacks, depending on your viewpoint, is that our units cannot be rented and no pets are allowed at any time.  As a 55+ community, we do have age restrictions.

The City of Lakeland offers tremendous opportunities for relaxation, exercise and enjoyment.  Our proximity to Lakeland Regional Hospital (less than a mile) and Watson Clinic (also less than a mile) provide health care opportunities  if they are needed.  The fire department includes Emergency Medical Technicians and is typically less than minutes from answering calls.